Entries by DHP Dental

Adults Can Get Dental Sealants Too

Dental sealants in Scottsdale, AZ, are thin coatings that Dr. Owen Waldman or Dr. Jason Augustine paint onto the back teeth to prevent tooth decay and cavities. Children commonly receive dental sealants at preventive care appointments between six and 11 years of age. The Centers for Disease Control reports that dental sealants prevent up to […]

What is a Flipper?

When addressing tooth replacement options, particularly for those seeking a temporary solution, flipper dentures stand out as a possible choice. These dental prosthetics are specifically designed for individuals who need a quick and temporary fix formissing teeth in Scottsdale, AZ. What are Flipper Dentures? Flipper dentures are a type of removable partial denture. Typically, they […]

Need a Dentist For Your Child? How to Find the Right Professional

Finding the right dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, for your child can be a challenge. Your child needs a dentist that they can trust to help them maintain healthy teeth and gums. Your child’s dentist should also have experience with pediatric populations because children have their own unique needs when it comes to dental health. If you’re […]

Why do Wisdom Teeth Need to be Extracted?

Wisdom teeth may present a problem for a variety of reasons. When they interfere with oral health or cause certain issues, your dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, may have to extract them. There are multiple reasons why this procedure may be needed. What Are Wisdom Teeth? Wisdom teeth are the last permanent adult teeth to come in. […]

What Should I Eat After an Extraction?

After a tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ, you’re going to need some time to heal. To avoid any unnecessary pain, stocking up on all the right foods can make it easier for your mouth to heal. It’s important to know that this is more than just discomfort or sensitivity, though. You may be more vulnerable to […]

What’s Better: DIY Whitening or Professional Whitening?

White teeth are beautiful and attractive. Unfortunately, our teeth can turn yellow or even brown over time. If you want whiter teeth, there are several DIY whitening products that you can use, or you can visit the dentist in Scottsdale, AZ for professional whitening. Which one is better? Knowing the difference can help you decide which one […]

Front Dental Crowns – Patient FAQS

When it comes to smile restoration, dental crowns in Scottsdale, AZ, are one of the most recommended solutions. Dental crowns can look identical to your natural teeth but without imperfections or decay. However, having crowns installed in the front of your mouth can be a little unnerving for some patients because these are the teeth that […]

I Have a Missing Tooth. What Are My Options?

When a tooth is missing, other teeth may shift, causing your teeth to become misaligned. It’s important to fill the gap between your teeth. See the dentist in Scottsdale, AZ. At Waldman Dental Group, we provide dental implants and bridges for patients seeking tooth replacement after a permanent tooth is lost. Knowing the difference between these […]

Is A Toothache A Dental Emergency?

Toothaches can be anywhere from uncomfortable to unbearable. If you’re experiencing a toothache, it’s important to know the potential causes and what to do about them. In many cases, you’ll need to contact your dentist in Scottsdale, AZ. Here’s what you need to know. What Causes a Toothache? Many things can cause a toothache. A minor […]