4 Ways to Avoid Cavities in 2025

Cavities are no fun, but your dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, can help. You can take action to avoid cavities and dental decay this new year. Below, we’ve listed four things you can do to avoid cavities in 2025. Want more ideas? Talk to your dentist at your next dental appointment!

1. Brush Your Teeth Regularly

Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes each time. Use an electric toothbrush, if it fits in your budget. Always use a soft-bristle toothbrush, and replace your toothbrush every three months to ensure your toothbrush is in good condition. If you have an electric toothbrush, replace the toothbrush heads every three months.

Not sure if you’re brushing your teeth correctly? Ask the dentist the next time you come in for a dental appointment.

2. See the Dentist Every Six Months

See your dentist every six months to get your teeth cleaned. Your dentist will let you know if you need to come in more frequently.

3. Limit Sugar Intake

Eating sugary foods can lead to cavities. Drinking sugary beverages can lead to cavities as well. Limit your sugar intake in 2025 to help maintain healthy teeth.

One way to limit your sugar intake is to avoid keeping sugary foods in your house. Start stocking your pantry with healthy snacks like nuts. Consider boiled eggs for a good snack when you’re extra-hungry.

4. Get Dental Sealants

If you’re prone to getting cavities, consider getting dental sealants. Dental sealants are often recommended for kids, but they can be installed on adults as well. Dental sealants are a protective coating that can keep your back teeth from getting cavities.

Want to know more? Ask during your next dental cleaning in Scottsdale, AZ.

Need a Dentist For Your Child? How to Find the Right Professional

Finding the right dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, for your child can be a challenge. Your child needs a dentist that they can trust to help them maintain healthy teeth and gums. Your child’s dentist should also have experience with pediatric populations because children have their own unique needs when it comes to dental health. If you’re looking for a dentist for your child, here’s what you need to know.

Look for a Dentist with Experience In All Ages

It’s best to get your child a dentist who has experience with patients of all ages. This way, your child can get comfortable with their dentist when they’re young and stay with the dentist as they grow. To find out what kind of experience the dentist has and whether they service all population ages, contact the dental offices of the professionals you’re considering.

Check to Ensure They Accept Your Insurance

Do you have dental insurance? It’s important to choose a dentist that accepts that insurance. When you’re calling ahead to find out which dental offices take populations of all ages, ask them about your insurance to see if they will accept the insurance that you have.

Interview the Dentist

As you’re calling dental offices, try interviewing each dentist to decide which one is best for your child. Ask questions such as:

  • What strategies do you use to calm a nervous pediatric patient?
  • How often do you work with very young patients?
  • Do you have toys or anything in your waiting area to keep pediatric patients entertained?

Knowing the answers to these questions can help you choose the right dentist for you. Need a dental appointment for your child in Scottsdale, AZ? If so, call Waldman Dental Group to make an appointment.

What Should I Eat After an Extraction?

After a tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ, you’re going to need some time to heal. To avoid any unnecessary pain, stocking up on all the right foods can make it easier for your mouth to heal. It’s important to know that this is more than just discomfort or sensitivity, though. You may be more vulnerable to infection thanks to your inability to sterilize your mouth as normal, so you’ll need to keep a sharp watch on your diet.

What You Should Eat

Directly after the procedure, you can give yourself an hour or two before you ingest anything. From there, you can eat eggs, pasta, pudding, yogurt, and soups. Everything that you have should be as liquid as possible — that means puréed soups, well-cooked macaroni, and yogurt without chunks of fruit. Whether you have jello or a milkshake for dessert, you should avoid any resistance in the first few days.

After three days, you should monitor how you feel. Some people will be ready to chicken or ground beef. Others will want to stick with the same foods that they were eating before. If you don’t feel any type of pain while you’re eating, it’s probably time to try chunkier soups, steamed veggies, or chocolate cake.

Dentists in Scottsdale, AZ

There is no perfect timeline when it comes to tooth extraction, as everyone will recover at their own pace. The general rule is that as long as the pain is getting better and not worse every day, you should be fine. If you have any questions at all about what to eat or what’s normal, it’s important to work with a dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, who can answer you. At Waldman Dental Group, our staff can help set you up for success.

I Have a Missing Tooth. What Are My Options?

When a tooth is missing, other teeth may shift, causing your teeth to become misaligned. It’s important to fill the gap between your teeth. See the dentist in Scottsdale, AZ.

At Waldman Dental Group, we provide dental implants and bridges for patients seeking tooth replacement after a permanent tooth is lost. Knowing the difference between these two prosthetic teeth types can help you decide which one is right for you.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth attached to a post that’s been fused with the jaw. This is similar to a natural tooth. Dental implants look like and function like your natural teeth. They’re also just as easy to maintain as your natural teeth.

To make a dental implant that looks natural in your mouth, your dentist will create a mold of your existing teeth. This will ensure that your implant will fit properly in the space. Your dentist will also choose a color for the implant that is based on the color of your other teeth.

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a prosthetic tooth that’s held in place by crowns attached to the teeth on either side of the gap. Dental bridges look very natural, and like implants, are colored to resemble the other teeth in the mouth.

Which One Is Right For You?

Your dentist will help you choose the right type of prosthetic tooth for your mouth. The type of prosthetic tooth that is best for you will depend on your budget, what your insurance will cover, the health of your jaw and other factors.

Do you need dental bridges or dental implants in Scottsdale, AZ? At Waldman Dental Group, we install dental bridges and implants for patients missing teeth. Call today to make an appointment.

Is A Toothache A Dental Emergency?

Toothaches can be anywhere from uncomfortable to unbearable. If you’re experiencing a toothache, it’s important to know the potential causes and what to do about them. In many cases, you’ll need to contact your dentist in Scottsdale, AZ. Here’s what you need to know.

What Causes a Toothache?

Many things can cause a toothache. A minor irritation of the gum, for example, can cause your tooth to ache for a little while. Eventually, this kind of ache will go away on its own. Other types of toothaches, caused by bacterial infection in the pulp of the tooth, will only get worse with time.

Is a Toothache a Dental Emergency?

Not all toothaches are dental emergencies in Scottsdale, AZ, but some of them are. You may not be able to tell the difference. If you’re having a toothache, it’s important to contact your dentist for advice. Your dentist will tell you whether you should come in to get checked out.

How Can You Treat a Toothache?

Over the counter medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen may help control the pain while you’re waiting to see the dentist. Your dentist may also recommend a saltwater rinse to reduce pain and help any parts of your mouth that need healing.

To make a saltwater rinse, mix a half teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water, then swish in your mouth for 30 seconds. You can also try swishing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide mixed with equal parts water. Spit these rinses out – they’re not for drinking.

Do you think you might be having a dental emergency? Contact Waldman Dental Group for help.

What Does Rehabilitation Mean in Dentistry?

When people think about the word rehab, they may not first connect it to dentistry. However, this profession does use the word to describe a number of procedures that ultimately correct a patient’s oral health. If you’re interested in fixing your smile, we’ll tell you more about what kinds of treatments fall under this broad category.

Restoring Your Smile

Dentists may recommend dental rehabilitation in Scottsdale, AZ for a number of reasons:

  • Gum damage: Periodontal cleaning or gum surgery can help strengthen gums and prevent recession.
  • Misaligned teeth: Whether it’s an overbite or crooked teeth, orthodontic treatments can go a long way to giving you a straight and even smile.
  • Damaged teeth: If your teeth have sustained damage or you’re in need of a full replacement, you can get either a crown, bridge, or implant to fill in the gaps. Veneers are also available to fix cosmetic issues like chips or cracks.
  • Damaged pulp: The soft pulp under the tooth may become infected or otherwise damaged. A root canal will clean out the pulp and seal up the tooth.
  • Dentures: Full and partial dentures are a way to help you retain the ability to speak and chew properly. Plus, they can help you stave off future dental problems.

Dentists in Scottsdale

The Waldman Dental Group is home to skilled dentists in Scottsdale, AZ, and it’s our staff’s pleasure to help work with patients who need comprehensive services like those described above. The most important thing you can do when trying to improve your oral health is to work with experts who can find and fix the problem without putting you through any undue comfort. Contact us today to learn more about what to expect if you need any of the services of dental rehabilitation.