5 Things That Could Happen if You Put Off Your Dental Appointment
Are you in the habit of skipping dental appointments? If so, you should reconsider. Visiting the dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, is good for your teeth and gums. If you skip dental appointments, you could run into many problems. Below, we’ve listed some of the reasons that you shouldn’t skip dental appointments.
1. Bad Breath
Bad breath happens as a result of bacteria in your mouth. If you skip dental appointments, you could get a buildup of bacteria in your mouth. The result would likely be bad breath that would be difficult to get rid of – even if you brushed your teeth.
2. Plaque Turns Into Tartar
Plaque is a sticky substance left behind on your tooth enamel after eating. Plaque can be removed with good brushing and by going to the dentist. If plaque stays on your teeth for too long, it can turn into tartar: a crusty substance that’s difficult to remove.
3. Gum Recession
Tartar that forms on your teeth near the gumline can lead to problems like gum recession. Gum recession can cause tooth sensitivity, bone loss, and loose permanent teeth.
4. Cavities and Dental Infection
If your dental health becomes poor, you could be more likely to get cavities and dental infection. If you’re skipping appointments, your dentist may not catch this problem until it’s severe.
5. An Extra-Long Appointment
If you put off going to the dentist for a long time, your next dental appointment might be extra long. Your dentist will need more time to clean and examine your teeth.
Do you need a dental exam in Scottsdale, AZ? Don’t put it off! Call today to make your next dental appointment.