Dental Veneers FAQ: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

Are you happy with the way your teeth look? What would you do to change them, if you could? Depending on your goals for your smile, it may be that dental veneers can help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted. At Waldman Dental Group, we help patients achieve their goals for their smile using dental veneers.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are like tooth-shaped covers that are adhered to the front of the teeth. Unlike crowns, veneers are entirely cosmetic. They can be used to hide stains, chips and cracks. If you have misshapen teeth, getting dental veneers in Scottsdale, AZ can give your teeth a more uniform appearance.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Veneers?

You’re a good candidate for dental veneers if you have good oral hygiene habits and strong, healthy teeth. Your dentist will help you decide whether dental veneers are right for you.

How Are Dental Veneers Maintained?

Dental veneers are cleaned in much the same way that your natural teeth are maintained. Brush your veneers twice daily with non-abrasive toothpaste, and floss your teeth as recommended by your dentist. Avoid chewing on your fingernails, pencils or pens, and don’t use your teeth as scissors. Continue to see your dentist every six months for check ups, as needed.

Are Dental Veneers Covered By Insurance?

Many dental insurance companies do not cover veneers, but plans vary. To find out if your dental plan covers dental veneers, contact your insurance company.

You deserve to love the way your smile looks. Are you interested in dental veneers? Call your dentist in Scottsdale, AZ to make an appointment. The team at Waldman Dental Group can help you determine whether dental veneers are right for your teeth.

Are Veneers Considered Cosmetic by My Insurance Carrier?

It’s not always easy to predict what’s covered by insurance and what isn’t. The general rule is that anything improving the look of your smile is categorized under cosmetic, meaning it wouldn’t be covered as a benefit of your policy.

This can sound like bad news because veneers are an investment from a financial standpoint and unlikely to be approved by your carrier. However, we’ll look at why this answer isn’t as cut-and-dry as it seems and why a dentist in Scottsdale, AZ might recommend having the treatment even if it’s not covered.

Talk to the Staff

While the staff won’t know what kind of plan you bought or the individual details of every carrier out there, they will likely know something you don’t about how veneers are coded. This doesn’t mean that you won’t have to do your own homework, as you may need to go through your policy details to see how the plan is structured and whether it makes sense to pursue a claim.

Typically, there are clauses that you may be able to connect to your condition. Veneers aren’t solely used to give you a gleaming smile, even if that’s the main goal. They can be used to make it easier to brush and floss, which is crucial to keeping up with standard oral hygiene.

Veneers in Scottsdale, AZ

If you’re interested in veneers in Scottsdale, AZ, you should know that they can help you take an active role in your oral health. The more you love your grin, the more likely you are to take care of it. You might not think twice about stepping up your hygiene game, which is priceless in and of itself. If you nave any questions, Waldman Dental Group can help you learn more.

What to Expect with Wisdom Tooth Extraction  

Whether a person has just one or all four wisdom teeth come through between 17 and 25 years old, many will need to schedule wisdom teeth extraction surgery in Scottsdale, AZ. Since erupted wisdom teeth don’t cause issues for everyone, Dr. Waldman or Dr. Augustine takes several individual factors into account when determining whether to remove them.

Is There Enough Space for Your Wisdom Teeth?

The biggest factor for either of the dentists at Waldman Dental Group is whether you or your child has enough room at the back of each jaw for the wisdom teeth to grow in and not be a hindrance. Although you don’t need them for chewing or any other function, wisdom teeth can remain if they don’t cause any of the following problems:

  • Bone loss
  • Crowding or shifting of teeth
  • Negatively affects the health of neighboring teeth
  • Ongoing infections
  • Ongoing tooth pain
  • Periodontal disease
  • Severe pain
  • Tumors or cysts develop around the erupted wisdom teeth

Dr. Waldman or Dr. Augustine uses panoramic X-ray equipment to spot wisdom teeth while still under the gums so they can estimate when the teeth will attempt to erupt. Knowing the correct position of wisdom teeth under the gums also helps our dentists foresee and treat specific dental problems.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Under General Anesthesia

Most patients require general anesthesia when having one or more wisdom teeth extracted. The medication puts you into a deep sleep during the procedure so you don’t feel any discomfort. Your dentist will place sutures on your gumline after removing your wisdom teeth. You will receive complete discharge instructions, including how to manage pain at home and what situations warrant coming back to our practice.

Please schedule a consultation for wisdom tooth extraction with our experienced dental practice in Scottsdale, AZ today.


Dental Sealants Aren’t Just for Children Anymore  

Dental sealants in Scottsdale, AZ offer added protection against tooth decay and cavities, so why wouldn’t patients want them? The answer to that question seems to be that a lot of misunderstandings about dental sealants still exist. This is especially true when it comes to the age of patients, since many people assume dental sealants are only appropriate for children whose molars haven’t fully erupted yet.

What Are Dental Sealants? 

Certain teeth are well-known for being difficult to keep clean, particularly the back molars. With little space between teeth and the molars sitting furthest back in the mouth, both adults and children can struggle to keep the molars clean enough to prevent tooth decay. Poorly maintained molars can also crack, require extraction, require a dental cap, or need an onlay or inlay if the filling material is inadequate to protect.

Dental sealants are invisible plastic coatings that our dentists apply to the sides and top of molar teeth. Here are some benefits and quick facts about the procedure:

  • The entire procedure is painless and takes just a few minutes to complete.
  • Dental sealants prevent food from becoming lodged between molars and other teeth, which can eventually cause decay.
  • Dental sealants cost less than having cavities filled and are a great deterrent.
  • Sealants contain no harmful materials.

How to Care for Dental Sealants

Children and adults must be careful after receiving dental sealants by brushing and flossing regularly and avoiding especially hard or sticky food that could damage them. Sealants do eventually break off, and patients can decide at that time if their benefits are great enough to have them installed again. Getting a great report from the dentist with no cavities is hugely motivating as well.

Contact Waldman Dental Group in Scottsdale, AZ with additional questions or to request an appointment.


Why Teeth Whitening Goes Beyond Looking Great

Of course, whitening your teeth helps to remove the noticeable stains from our precious teeth. An unseen benefit of teeth whitening is that patients immediately feel a positive shift in confidence in their lives. Waldman Dental Group of Scottsdale, AZ has been restoring happy and healthy smiles for more than 20 years.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is, put simply, revitalizing the color of stained teeth through various processes. While there are so many options to choose from, it is difficult to know whether you have gotten the best solution or not. The best teeth-whitening routine is one that is customized to your unique needs, which we have outlined below.

What Does a Good Teeth Whitening Routine Look Like?

Waldman Dental offers the best-in-class teeth whitening routines that fit around your schedule and scenario. Here are the best solutions:

In-Office Zoom! Procedure

Zoom! Whitening is a chair-side procedure that includes state-of-the-art whitening techniques, making your smile several shades brighter. The formula lightens both the enamel and dentin of your teeth, which can even lift stains from previous dental work. The procedure itself is only 30 minutes long, giving you a smile on demand!

Whitening Kits

Whitening kits are a convenient option that can be completed in the comfort of your home. Trays are made that conform to your teeth, and the dentist will advise you on how to use them. Most of the time, this means wearing them twice a day for a few weeks for the best results.

Continuous Habits

In addition to the selected whitening procedure, avoiding sugary drinks and processed foods, as well as regular brushing and flossing, can maintain your whitening procedure.

Waldman Dental Difference

A whiter smile can be the difference in that you need to increase the care of your teeth and oral health. Trust Waldman Dental of Scottdale, AZ, to help you get the confidence back in your life. Contact us today!